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Thursday 18 August 2016

July 2016 - Barn Owl, Common Tern, Firecrest & House Martin breeding

Birds ringed in July totalled 625 (702 in 2015) with top species Blackcap on 175 (201), well ahead of Chiffchaff on 72 (43), Reed Warbler on 71 (55) and Garden Warbler also 71 (75).

Whitethroat fell to 59 (76) but the 10 warbler species totalled 475 birds (458). Blue Tits only made 13 (50), Great Tit 9 (21) and Lotti 7 (11) following very poor breeding.

The 35 species included 6 Nightjar, 9 House Martins, a Firecrest and a House Sparrow. Common Tern pulli return to the list with 3 at Bedfont and 3 Barn Owls were ringed at Woolley Firs.