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Wednesday 21 November 2018

Redwing recovered north of Arctic Circle - October 2018

A rather quiet month with only 258 birds ringed – our lowest October total for 10 years. Bedfont managed two sessions with a third rained off, but added Kingfisher. Elsewhere, top species was Lesser Redpoll at 65 followed by 20 Goldcrest, 17 Meadow Pipit, and 15 Redwing.

There were recoveries of rapid Blackcap controls from both Cambridgeshire (after 9 days) and Derbyshire (after 10 days). But by far the most interesting recovery was a Redwing, ringed by RRG at Black Park CP in November last year and found, this month, near Sodankylä, Finland; 2,300km north-east and well north of the Arctic Circle.