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Tuesday 1 March 2022

Reasons to be grateful - February 2022

 This month last year a combination of lockdown and poor weather prevented the group from ringing any birds (only forty sightings of twenty-six colour-ring birds were entered).

So this month we can be thankful that although the storm season got serious - storms’ Dudley, Eunice and Franklin crossed the UK in only seven days - we were lucky to lose only one weekend of netting to them.

On the 12th we ran a public ringing demonstration. Over twenty turned up, including some who had traveled from Bristol to see their first bird ringing session.

Despite the cold, the feeders were fairly quiet and we only caught 21 birds. This was enough to provide a backdrop while we explained why ringing is important to conservation and science, and provided an opportunity to see birds up close.

Tricia of BBOWT said that they had turned away twenty additional people and that suggests we should be running more demos!