Sunday 16 April 2017

Poor weather diminishes ringing sessions - March 2017

Another month of minimal activity with only 55 new birds ringed. Woolley Firs had the most sessions and birds, including 8 Meadow Pipit, a Redwing, Blackcap and Firecrest whilst Chobham produced 2 Dartford Warblers.

Totals ringed in the first quarter of 2017 are, at 276, barely better than half the usual 400-500. 2016 was exceptional at 631 - helped by 188 Siskins and 140 Blue Tits. Siskins have been scare this year and the poor Blue Tit breeding season of last summer is made clear at our feeding station sites.

Black-headed Gulls surprise in Heston - February 2017

A quiet month for ringing with only 65 birds of 16 species ringed. Two adult Black-headed Gulls were unusual in the Heston garden; there were also two Ring-necked Parakeets, a Redwing and two Yellowhammers to add to the winter totals.

Woolley Firs had a Redwing retrap a year after ringing and details came in for the Belgian continental Coal Tit from March 2016.